DESCRIPTION: Plas-Tech & Plazit Polygal introduces the next generation of polycarbonate sheets: Polygal Topgal, the standing-seam panel system.
PROPERTIES: Backed by 35 years of experience that began with the world’s first multi wall polycarbonate sheet, the Polygal Topgal panels and components integrate the unique properties of the multi wall structure to produce superior rigidity and thermal insulation that ensure maximum strength and complete sealing. Manufactured in 600mm and 1000mm widths (center to center) and in thicknesses from 8mm to 20mm.
Available in standard colours as well as special color layers that selectively reflect solar radiation.
- * ASTM C177 TNO.
- Dead Load is a weight of 1m² of Topgal system, includes installation accessories.
- Standard Topgal panels can have UV protection on both sides or on tooth side, upon customer request.
- LT – Light Transmission in % according to ASTM D-1003, measured between ribs.
- SHGC – Solar Heat Gain Coefficient measures how much heat from the sun is blocked. It takes into account all conduction, convection and radiation effects involved. The lower the SHGC, the more a product is blocking solar heat gain. Blocking solar heat gailn is particulary important during the summer in hot climates.
“Topgal” coverings are highly resistant to the forces of nature wind load and snow load conditional upon correct structure design and panel installation.
Recommended Span Between Purlins in Flat Structures (m)
Pa – Pascal. It is a measure of force per unit area, defined as one newton per square meter. Allowed deflection of 5% of the width of the panel.